Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Kindness to Go Turkey's giving away turkeys...

this year we changed form...we placed boxes in the lobby with an attached shopping list and encouraged our people to grab a box...gather some friends or their small group...and go with others to 3 apartment complexes we have been serving for several years.

to our surprise over 300 people grabbed a box and saying, 'We'll go.'

One guy who had never been on an outreach sparked my interest...I said, 'Hey thanks for choosing to help.' His reply, 'This is what we do isn't it.' I thought, wow. Outward focused thinking is working...

here is the list and instructions attached to box.

Join your friends, small group or as a family
helping others this Thanksgiving.

It’s simple:
Take this list to any store and purchase the items listed. Pack the items in the box provided and place the frozen turkey in the bag provided.

Then come to the Vineyard Saturday, November 17th @ 10am. After some instructions we will head out to an apartment building or two, and surprise the residents with a free turkey dinner.

Tip: this outreach is fun to do with a few friends or family. If you want to participate... or are short of cash, why not grab a few friends or invite your small group to pool resources and then shop together (grab some ice-cream after) and then serve together.

Shopping list:
__ 2 cans of corn
__ 2 cans of green beans
__ 1 large can of yams
__ 1 box of scalloped potatoes
__ 1 can of cranberry sauce
__ 2 boxes of mac and cheese
__ 1 box of brownie mix
__ 1 package of brown and serve rolls
__ 1 medium Frozen Turkey

Be creative and add your own treats to the list
Throw in a pie or other fun items

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